Energy News Network reported that an effort led by Region 5 TCTAC Blacks in Green has been recommended for $12.5 million in renewable energy credits to help develop three community solar projects to benefit underresourced communities. The three projects totaling 9 MW are valued at $25.7 million and will be developed by the Green Energy Justice Cooperative, a project launched by Blacks in Green and other partners, to benefit Black, Brown and low and moderate-income subscribers in and around Aurora, Naperville, and Romeoville, Illinois. “The importance of the industry was made very, very clear to me and others right from the start. The opportunity was presenting itself with renewable energy credits that Blacks in Green and others had fought for, for over a decade to really build out the toolkit for the renewable energy industry in Illinois,” said Naomi Davis, founder and CEO of Blacks in Green. Renewable Energy World and Energy Central shared the Energy News Network article. Triple Pundit and Energy Global also noted the projects.
Photo credit: Lloyd DeGrane Energy News Network